
Benefits Of Owning An Asian Car

For some, buying anything other than domestic is blasphemous; for others, buying only foreign is a no-brainer, but why? Why do some people prefer Asian vehicles over American-made machines? Ideal Automotive services and repairs Asian automobiles and we can confirm they are amazing. The technology behind them is groundbreaking, which is why they offer the following benefits.

Top Rankings

Look at any consumer ranking and you’ll see at least one or two Asian automotive manufacturers in the top positions. Japan’s Subaru leads the pack in the latest Consumer Report rankings, and the rankings are calculated using both consumer and performance scores. Some rankings may be a popularity contest, but most are designed by professionals to inform consumers which products are best based on true data. In other words, Asian vehicles wouldn’t be on top of the lists consistently if experts didn’t believe they should be there. These vehicles have earned their top spots because of the following.

Reliability and Resale Value

Factors that used to be dominated by European automobiles are now owned by Japanese automobile manufacturers. Japanese cars are reliable – period. If you take care of them, they will give you hundreds of thousands of miles. You don’t have to repair Japanese vehicles as often as you do other cars, trucks and SUVs, and in most cases, they are easy to maintain and fuel-efficient. They also boast amazing resale values. In fact, Kelly Blue Book, or KBB as they’re called now, ranks four out of seven Japanese vehicles as having the best resale value in 2019. Four out of seven. Nobody can argue with that.


For many consumers, however, the purchase price is the bottom line. They won’t buy European or American simply because they can get more bang for their buck if they buy Asian. South Korea’s Hyundai and Kia both penetrated American automobile markets because of their price, and many consumers saved money when they opted for Japan’s Honda, Nissan or Toyota, as well. In fact, KBB states that consumers saved as much as $10,000 per car in 2018 when they opted to buy Asian instead of domestic. Couple that with less repair and higher resale value and you save money throughout vehicle ownership.

Ideal Automotive services and repairs Asian vehicles, including Acura, Honda, Infiniti, Kia, Lexus, Nissan and Toyota. Visit our Blaine, MN, shop to set up an appointment for preventative maintenance or repair. We’d be happy to help you keep your Asian automobile reliable and safe on the road for years to come.

Image by Admiral_Lebioda from Pixabay

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